Anders Gustaf Dahlbom was born in Sweden on the 3rd of March 1806, son of a military surgeon.
Publications on Chrysididae
Dahlbom A.G., 1829 - Monographia Chrysididarum Sueciae. Lundini Gothor. 19 pp.Dahlbom A.G., 1831 - Exercitationes Hymenopterologicae ad illustrandam Suecicam. "Pars I-III, Lundini Gothor, Pars I: 1-18; Pars II: 19-32; Pars III: 33-48."
Dahlbom A.G., 1845 - Dispositio methodica speciarum Hymenopterorum, secundum familias Insectorum naturales. Particula secunda. Lund, 20 pp.
Dahlbom A.G., 1850 - Syd-Africanska Chrysides. Oefversigt K. Vet. Acad. Forhandl. 7: 135-142.
Dahlbom A.G., 1854 - Hymenoptera europea praecipue borealia. Lundbergiana, Lund. 412 pp.