newsletter archive

Last updated on March 13th, 2022

The archive of the Newsletters sent by e-mail to the subscribers through the Mailing List, in chronological order.

21st March 2009: the third restyling of Web site goes online.

Dear Friends,

at last, after a very long period of apparent inactivity, we have published an important graphical and structural restyling of the Web site. As you can read in a more detailed page, the migration from the previous layout to the new one has been a sophisticated and complex procedure, because our goals were to make the Web site better than before, but in continuity with our past. Today it has become more modern, more accessible and more usable, a lot of functions have been added, and new features will come soon.

It is our hope that you will appreciate our efforts and that you keep on considering one of your favorite places on the Internet.

Gian Luca Agnoli & Paolo Rosa latest news:

The Database of the Italian Chrysididae has deeply changed: the species reports now show the placeholders for the habitus of the species and its chorology. With time we look forward to fill such information with photos and distribution maps.

The abstracts of the published papers on Italian Chrysidids – updated

Book reviews: I Crisidi della Valle d’Aosta (The Chrysididae of the Aosta Valley), by Paolo Rosa

Macrophoto-monographs: Notes on the biology of Hedychrum virens, by Paolo Rosa

Drawings of Chrysididae – updated

Postal stamps with Chrysidids – updated

Dear Friends,
another year has gone and we are here to send you our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

2007 has been a problematic year for many reasons, but we don’t want to annoy you with useless details. Only few words about some technical problems. e-mail service is increasingly subject to a massive amount of spam, often containing malware and other dangerous agents that have caused many damages. The proportion of spam vs. good messages is currently exceeding the value of 100:1.

Consequently, we express regret to our friends for our delay in replying. We are still filtering good e-mails and we even need to reply to an important number of them. Furthermore, web site has not been updated for months and we cannot ignore our own responsibility in such a deficient webmastering.

But we have a lot of good plans for the new year.

We have published a page called “ development roadmap” here:, indicating the steps that we are trying to realize in order to make more useful, nice and open.

As you can read, we are working on different aspects of the site, from the database to the site restyling in the direction of a technological modernization.

We are proud to announce that the database is open from now. This means that the registration and the authentication are no more needed. Consequently, the database becomes easily accessible both to users and to search engines like Google.

For the remaining projects, we quote the page linked before.

We look forward to making such efforts in order to cultivate web resource, which attracts more and more visitors from all over the world.

Our best wishes,
Gian Luca Agnoli & Paolo Rosa

Dear Friends,
we invite you to web site with the hope that you will find some useful materials for your interests. Here it is the list of the recent updates:

The Database of the Chrysidid Bibliography has been updated and counts now 1,942 entries.

New interesting videos of Chrysidids made by Marek W. Kozlowski and by Roeland Langendam.

New beautiful photos made by Andrej Gogala, Alexandre Anichtchenko and Paolo Rosa. statistics updated.

New articles/publications:

Agnoli G.L., 2005 – The genus Methocha in Europe: a discussion on taxonomy, distribution and likely origin of its known species and subspecies (Hymenoptera Tiphiidae Methochinae). Bulletin of Insectology, 58 (1): 35-47.

Rosa P., 2005b – I Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano. Natura, Milano, vol. 94 (II): 128 pp.

With our warmest greetings for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Gian Luca Agnoli & Paolo Rosa

The Database of the Italian Chrysididae is on line!

We are proud to announce the publication of the Database of the Italian Chrysididae, which has the goal to collect all the information on the chrysidids of the Italian fauna. URL:

The information is presented in reports per species dealing with the systematic position, the geographic distribution, and the biology. The content – provided for the most part by Paolo Rosa – will be constantly revised, corrected and integrated. That’s why we have added the current date at the bottom of each report, to emphasize its temporary character.

The distribution data are given for the twenty Administrative divisions of Italy and are drawn from the Literature and from public and private collections. In order to correctly view the distribution maps, Macromedia Flash plug-in is required.

The reports are loaded in the main frame and the species list in the left frame. A simple search box at the top of the pages lets you list the reports matching your search criteria. A Help page explains in detail the meaning of all the entries used in the species report.

Now, the login form at the URL above is the same for both the databases and we have added a function to remember your password through a “cookie”. A such technology is used to store in your computer your login data and to set you free from the need to digit your username and password each time you like to enter the database. Anyway, this function is optional, according to your own preferences.

Some tests are planned for the next weeks, so it’s probable that the service will be irregular.

We will be grateful to you for your feedback!

Sincerely yours,
Gian Luca Agnoli & Paolo Rosa

Dear Friends,
while we are waiting for the good season to enjoy entomological and macrophotographical entertainments, we invite you to web site to take a look at the last photo galleries that we are proud to host:

02/2005: Digital macrophotographs of Chrysidids made by Maarten Jacobs in Belgium.
10/2004: A photo monograph on Stilbum cyanurum made by Alessio Perboni in Italy.

Thank you for your visits.

Gian Luca Agnoli & Paolo Rosa

Starting from the few pages of the new born site in the year 2000, the website has grown much richer, both for its functionalities and for its content, thanks to internal and external contributions. In this philosophy, we officially announce the cooperation with Paolo Rosa, author of the main body of the databases: the Bibliographical one, with its 1,800+ entries, and the Faunistical one, still under construction.

Important implementations have recently been added together with the reorganization of some sections of the site. The server hosting the site registers now about 5,000 monthly accesses, with a peak of over 8,000 visitors during April 2003. These are extremely interesting values, because they show how the site has grown out of its confined dimensions to become a point of reference for a selected community of enthusiasts, thus accomplishing our original goals.

We would like to express again our invitation to contribute to the website by sharing experiences that could be useful to our visitors and to send us suggestions on what to add and what to improve.

Gian Luca Agnoli & Paolo Rosa

Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements

All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2025) newsletter archive, in: website. Interim version 19 February 2025, URL: