Bibliography of Chrysididae – Search

Last updated on August 21st, 2020

139 record(s):

Takumi R.L., 1999 - New insect records from Maui. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, 59: 31-35.

Tano T., 1964 - The aculeate Hymenoptera collected on the Island of Yakushima. Life Study (Fukui), 8: 37-39.

Tano T., 1968 - Contribution from my cabinets to the knowledge of the Japanese Hymenoptera. Life Study (Fukui), 12:32-36.

Tano T., 1969 - Wasp collecting journey to the Yaéyama Group, the Ryukyus. Life Study (Fukui), 13: 72-79.

Tano T., 1971 - Hymenoptera and some beetles on Mt. Tsurugi, Shikoku. Life Study (Fukui), 15: 80-83.

Tano T., 1972 - Chrysididae and Sphecoidea collected on the Ryukyus. Life Study (Fukui), 16: 22-25.

Tano T., 1995 - The type specimens preserved in the Tsuneki Collection. (III) (Insecta: Aculeata). Ent. J. Fukui, (16): 41-48. [in Japanese]

Tarbinsky Yu.S., 1999 - A key and a characteristic of the golden wasp species groups of the genus Chrysis L. (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) from Tien Shan and adjacent territories. News of the National Academy of Sciences of Kyrghyz Republic - 1999 (2): 50-57.

Tarbinsky Yu.S., 2000 - The gold wasp of the genus Brugmoia (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) of the Tien-Shan and adjacent territories. Vestnik zoologii, 34 (3): 23-27.

Tarbinsky Yu.S., 2000 - Осы-блестянки рода Chrysis [gr. ignita] (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) Тянь-Шаня и сопредельных территорий. [The golden wasp genus Chrysis [gr. ignita] (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae in Tien-Shan and adjacent territories]. Tethys Entomological Research (Almaty, Kazakhstan)], 2: 193-204.

Tarbinsky Yu.S., 2001 - New species of gold wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) from Tien-Shan. Selevinia, 2001 (1-4): 17-18.

Tarbinsky Yu.S., N/A (after 2000) - Taxonomic review of the family Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) from Tien-Shan fauna and adjacent territories, with a key to genera, descriptions of new genera and new species. N/A

Taschenberg E.L., 1866 - Die Hymenopteren Deutschland neach ihren Gattungen und theilweise nach ihren Arten. VIII. Fam Chrysididae, Goldwespen,. Leipzig. 146-152.

Taylor J.S., 1968 - Notes on some South African bees and wasps. Entomologist's Record, 80: 69-72.

Taylor L.H., 1924 - XX Expedition of the California Academy of Science to the Gulf of California in 1921. Chrysididae from lower California. Proceedings of the California Academy of Science, 13 (20): 325-332.

Taylor L.H., 1928 - Fam.: Chrysididae. Leonard, M.D. (Ed.). A list of the insects of New York. Memoir 101, Cornell University Agricolture Experiment Staion, N.Y. 1121 pp.

Telford A.D., 1964 - The Neartic Parnopes with an analysis of the male genitalia in the genus (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). University of California Publications in Entomology, 36 (1): 1-42.

Tepedino V.J. & Boyce M.S., 1979 - A nest of Osmia tanneri Sandhouse from Wyoming (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Pan-Pac. Entomol., Vol. 55(3), 234

Terayama M., 1999 - Descriptions of new species and genera of the Chrysidoidea (Insecta: Hymenoptera) from the Ryukyus, Japan. Biogeography. (August 17) 1: 99-106.

Terayama M., Muroi T. & Yamagishi K., 1998 - A New Record of the Subfamily Lobosceliidinae (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) from Japan. Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 31-32

Theunert R., 1996 - Untersuchungen zur Nistökologie der holzbesiedelnden Stechimmen Ancistrocerus nigricornis (Curtis), Psenulus fuscipennis (Dahlbom) und Chrysis ignita Linnaeus (Insecta: Hymenoptera). -. Ökologieconsult-Schriften 3: 1-103.

Theunert R., 1997 - Eine Goldwespe als Brutschmarotzer einer Wegwespe (Insecta: Hymenoptera). [A chrysidid wasp as a brood parasite of a pompilid wasp (Insecta: Hymenoptera).]. Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins E. V. Frankfurt A. M., 22(1-2): 9-10.

Theunert R., 1999 - Erstnachweise von Stechimmen fur die niedersachsische Fauna (Insecta: Hymenoptera). Folge 3. [First records of aculeates for the fauna of Lower Saxony (Insecta: Hymenoptera). Part 3.]. Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins E. V. Frankfurt A. M., 24(1-2): 77-80.

Theunert R., 2006 - Chrysura hybrida (LEPELETIER 1806), Chrysididae, einst in Niedersachsen?. bembiX, 2006. 22:14-16

Theunert R., 2007 - Zur Verbreitung der Goldwespen der Gattungen Hedychridium und Hedychrum in Niedersachsen und Bremen (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Beiträge zur Naturkunde Niedersachsens 60: 15-20.

Thomas S.J., 1962 - A new host record of the chrysidid, Omalus auratus Linnaeus (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Entomological News, 73: 217-218.

Thomson C.G., 1870 - VII. Ofversigt af de i Sverige funna arter af Slagtet Chrysis Lin. Opuscola Entmologica, Lund, 101-108.

Thorp R.W., 1968 - Ecology of a Proteriades and its Chrysura parasite, with larval descriptions (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae, Chrysididae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 41: 324-331.

Tischendorf S., 1998 - Zur Lebensweise und Wirtsbindung von Chrysis rutilans Olivier, 1790 und Hedychridium krajniki Balthasar, 1946 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). bembiX, 11: 27-30

Togashi I., 1993 - Hymenopterous insects settling in cottage with a thatched roof in Shiramine, Ishikawa Prefecture (Part 3). Eumenid and cuckoo wasps. Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan 48 (1): 59-63

Tooker J.F. & Hanks L.M., 2000 - Flowering Plant Hosts of Adult Hymenopteran Parasitoids of Central Illinois. Ann, Entomol. Soc. Am., 93 (3): 580-588.

Torka V., 1910 - Hymenopteren der Provinz Posen. Z. Naturw. Abt., Posen, 17 (2): 33-43.

Torka V., 1917 - Goldwespen (Chrysididae) aus Posen. Z. Naturw. Abt., Posen, 23 (4): 21-27.

Tormos J., Asis J. & Gayubo S., 1995 - Observations sur le comportement nidificateur d'Ammophila laevicollis André (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 31 (2): 157-163.

Tormos J., Asis J. & Gayubo S., 1997 - Description of the Mature Larvae of Chrysis angustula Scenk and Hedychridium elegantulum Buysson (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) and the Phylogenetic Importance of Larval Characters. J. Entomol. Science, 32 (2): 113-119.

Tormos J., Asis J. & Gayubo S. & Mingo E., 1996 - Description of the Mature Larvae of Chrysis gracillima and Omalus biaccinctus and new Data on the Biology of Trichrysis cyanea (Hymenoptera Chrysididae). Florida Entomologist, vol. 79 (1): 56-

Tormos J., Asis J. & Polidori C., 2004 - Descriptión de la prepupa de Stilibum cyanurum (Förster) (sic) (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). XI Congresso Ibérico de Entomologia. Programa de Actividades. Resumos das Comunicações. Centro de Estodio de Macaronésia. P.25

Tormos J., Asis J., Gayubo S.F., Calvo J. & Martin M.A., 2005 - Ecology of Crabroniod wasps found in trap nests from Spain (Hymenoptera: Spheciformes). Florida Entomologist, 88(3): 278-284.

Tormos J., Krombein K.V., Asis J. & Gayubo S., 1998 - Description of Mature Larvae of two Amiseginae with a discussion of Larval Characters in the Chrysidinae (Hymenoptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 91(5): 598-601

Tormos J., Krombein K.V., Asis J. & Gayubo S., 1999 - Description of preimaginal instars of four species of Elampini, with some notes on the phylogenetic importance of larval characters in this tribe (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). University of Kansas Museum of Natural History Special Publication, 24: 151-155.

Tormos J., Krombein K.V., Asis J. & Gayubo S., 2001 - A systematic study of larvae of Chrysidini (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 94: 809-834

Tormos J., Polidori C., Asis J.D. & Federici M., 2006 - Description of the postdefecating larva of Stilbum cyanura (Forster) and observations on adult behavior. Journal of Entomological Science, 41 (1): 1-8.

Tosawa N., 1932 - Uber eine unbeschriebene und vier fur Japan neue Goldwespen. Transactions of Kansai Entomological Society, 2: 35-36.

Tosawa N., 1940 - Two new species of Cleptes- the first record of the family from Japan proper. Transactions of Kansai Entomological Society, 10 (2): 1-5.

Tosawa N., 1942 - On Chrysididae. Bull. Takarazuka Insectarium, Kohama 26: 1-14. [in Japanese]

Tournier H., 1877 - Addition aux Chrysides du bassin du Léman. Petites nouvelles entomologiques, n°165: 105-106.

Tournier H., 1878 - Nouvelle addition aux Chrysides du bassin du Léman. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 5 (6): 304-310.

Tournier H., 1879 - Description d'Hyménoptères nouveaux appartenant a la famille des Chrysides. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Royale Belge, 22: 87-100.

Tournier H., 1889 - Descritions d'Hyménoptères nouveaux appartenent à la famille des Chrysides. V. Societas entomologica, 4: 1.

Tournier H., 1889 - Descritions d'Hyménoptères nouveaux appartenent à la famille des Chrysides. VI. Societas entomologica, 4: 2.

Tournier H., 1889 - Descritions d'Hyménoptères nouveaux appartenent à la famille des Chrysides. VII. Societas entomologica, 4: 3.

Tournier H., 1889 - Descritions d'Hyménoptères nouveaux appartenent à la famille des Chrysides. I. Societas entomologica, n°20: 153.

Tournier H., 1889 - Descritions d'Hyménoptères nouveaux appartenent à la famille des Chrysides. II. Societas entomologica, n°21: 161.

Tournier H., 1889 - Descritions d'Hyménoptères nouveaux appartenent à la famille des Chrysides. III. Societas entomologica, n°22: 169.

Tournier H., 1889 - Descritions d'Hyménoptères nouveaux appartenent à la famille des Chrysides. IV. "Societas entomologica, n°24: 185; n°1: 1; n°2: 15; n°3: 23."

Tournier H., 1890 - Descritions d'Hyménoptères nouveaux appartenent à la famille des Chrysides. Societas entomologica, 4: 1, 15, 23.

Trautmann G. & Trautmann W., 1916 - Zur biologie von Chrysis trimaculata Foerst. Intern. Entom. Zeitschr., Guben, 10. Jahrg. 13: 106.

Trautmann G. & Trautmann W., 1919 - Die Goldwespenfauna Frankens. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Insektenbiologie, 15: 30-36.

Trautmann W., 1916 - Eine seltene Form von Spinolia unicolor Dahlb.. Internationale Entomologische Zeitschrift, 10. Jahrg. 13: 72.

Trautmann W., 1916 (a) - Die Goldwespenfauna Frankens. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Insektenbiologie, 12: 31-36.

Trautmann W., 1916 (b) - Eine neue Goldwespen Frankens. Intern. Entom. Zeitschr., Guben. 10: 93-94

Trautmann W., 1918 - Beitrage zur biologie von Chrysis hirsuta Gerst. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Insektenbiologie, XIV: 165-168.

Trautmann W., 1918 (1918-1819) - Ueber die Entwicklung der Metallfarben bei Tetrachrysis auripes Wesm. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Insektenbiologie, XIV: 86-87

Trautmann W., 1920 (a) - Die Fabenvariationen von Stilbum cyanurum Foerster. Neue Beitr. Syst. Insekt. Berlin, I: 140.

Trautmann W., 1920 (b) - Beitrage zur Erklarung der Ursache, warum manche Schmarotzerarten 50 variabel auftreten. Neue Beitr. Syst. Insekt. Berlin, II: 15-16..

Trautmann W., 1920 (c) - Zwei neue paleartktische Species aus dem genus Hedycrhidium. Neue Beitr. Syst. Insekt. Berlin 1:150.

Trautmann W., 1921 (a) - Neue palearktische Goldwespen. Neue Beitr. Syst. Insekt. Berlin 2: 31-32, 35-36.

Trautmann W., 1921 (b) - Untersuchungen an einigen Goldwespenformen. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung, 82: 127-132.

Trautmann W., 1922 (a) - Untersuchungen an einigen Goldwespenformen. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1922: 219-223.

Trautmann W., 1922 (b) - Untersuchungen an einigen Goldwespenformen. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 321-322.

Trautmann W., 1923 - Untersuchungen an einigen Goldwespenformen. V. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 243-245.

Trautmann W., 1926 (a) - Beitrag zur Kenntnis Aegyptischer Chrysididen. Bulletin de la Société Royale Entomologique d‘Ègypte, 19: 90-96.

Trautmann W., 1926 (b) - Unteruchungen an einigen Goldwespenformen. Entomologische Zeitchrift, 40: 4-12.

Trautmann W., 1927 - Die Goldwespen Europas. Uschman, Weimar. 194pp.

Trautmann W., 1928 (a) - Ueber Cleptes nigriventris Buysson (Chrysid.). Entomologische Mitteilungen, XVII: 79.

Trautmann W., 1928 (b) - Nachtrag zur den «Goldwespen Europas» (Chrysid.). Entomologische Mitteilungen, XVII: 29-31.

Trautmann W., 1929 - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Goldwespen Cyperns. Konowia, 8: 154-158.

Trautmann W., 1930 - Fam. Chrysididae. In: Schmiedeknecht (Ed.). Die Hymenopteren Nord und Mittel Europas. Jena. 1062 pp.

Trencianska Skalka J.L., 1987 - A refugium of the thermophilic stinging Hymenoptera. N/A

Tressens F., 1969 - Une Chryside nouvelle pour la faune de France. L'Entomologiste, 25: 92.

Tressens F., 1970 - Complement a la Faune de France. L'Entomologiste, 26: 101-104.

Trexler J.C., 1984 - Aggregation and homing in a chrysidid wasp. Oikos, 43: 133-137.

Tscharntke T., Gathmann A. & Steffan-Dewenter I., 1998 - Bioindication using trap-nesting bees and wasps and their natural enemies: community and interactions. Journal of Applied Ecology, 35: 708-719.

Tsuneki K., 1946 (a) - Notes on the nomenclature of the Japanese Chrysididae. I. Matsumushi, 1(1): 32-39. [in Japanese]

Tsuneki K., 1946 (b) - How to collect the cuckoo wasps. Seibutsu, 1(3): 189. [in Japanese]

Tsuneki K., 1947 - Chrysididae from North China and Inner Mongolia. Mushi, 17 (9): 43-60.

Tsuneki K., 1948 (a) - Chrysididae from Shansi, North China (Hymenoptera). Mushi, 18 (19): 115-131.

Tsuneki K., 1948 (b) - Notes on the nomenclature of the Japanese Chrysididae. II. Matsumushi, 3(2): 47-52. [in Japanese]

Tsuneki K., 1950 - Descriptions of new species and subspecies of the Chrysididae from East Asia (Hymenopera). Mushi, 21 (8): 21-81.

Tsuneki K., 1952 (a) - Ethological studies on the Japanese species of Pemphredon (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), with notes on their parasites, Ellampus spp. (Hm., Chrysididae). Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, 11: 57-75.

Tsuneki K., 1952 (b) - Two new species of Chrysididae from Japan and Korea. Insecta Matsumurana, 18 (1-2): 31-33.

Tsuneki K., 1953 (a) - Chrysididae of Manchuria (Hymenoptera). Mushi, 25 (8): 53-61.

Tsuneki K., 1953 (b) - Chrysididae of Korea (Hymenoptera). Kontyu, 20 (1-2): 22-28.

Tsuneki K., 1954 - Descriptions and records of wasps of the families Chrysididae and Sphecidae of Japan (Hymenoptera). Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Fukui University, Series II, Natural Science, n°4, Part 5: 37-54.

Tsuneki K., 1955 - Chrysis (Pentachrysis) of North-Eastern Asia (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Fukui University, Series II, Natural Science, n°4, Part 5 (3): 35-46.

Tsuneki K., 1957 (a) - Ecological problems centering around the microdistribution of the Cuckoo Wasp Populations. Appendix: key to the Japanese Species of the Holonychinae. The Insect Ecology, 6 (14): 11-23. [in Japanese]

Tsuneki K., 1957 (b) - Microdistribution of the cuckoo wasps population. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses, 30 (2): 86-90.

Tsuneki K., 1959 - Contributions to the knowledge of the Cleptinae and Pseninae Faunae of Japan and Korea (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae and Sphecidae). Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Fukui University, Series II, Natural Science, 9: 1-78.

Tsuneki K., 1961 (a) - Chrysididae collected by the Osaka City University Biological Expedition to southeast Asia, 1957-1958. Nature and Life in Southeast Asia, 1: 367-382.

Tsuneki K., 1961 (b) - Taxonomic notes on some Japanese species of Aculeate Hymenoptera, with the decription of a new species of the genus Trypoxylon. Kontyu, 28: 239-243.

Tsuneki K., 1962 - The Aculeata Hymenoptera Collected on the Island of Amami-Ohshima, the Riukius. Life Study (Fukui), 6: 1-9.

Tsuneki K., 1963 (a) - Chrysis (Hexachrysis) of eastern Asia. Etizenia, 3: 1-9.

Tsuneki K., 1963 (b) - Chrysididae and Sphecidae from Thailand (Hymenoptera). Etizenia, 4: 1-50.

Tsuneki K., 1963 (c) - Some aculeate Hymenoptera from Malaya. Insecta Matsumurana, 26: 99-103.

Tsuneki K., 1964 (b) - Some wasps collected by Dr. T. Shirôzu in Kyushu. Life Study (Fukui), 8 (3): 10.

Tsuneki K., 1964 (c) - A guide to the study of the Japanese Hymenoptera (21). (9). Larrinae occurring in Japan and Korea. Life Study (Fukui), 8: 61-63.

Tsuneki K., 1965 - Quelques especies des guêpes solitaires (Hyménoptères) recoltees en formose par M. T. Shirozu. Special Bulletin of Lepidopterological Society of Japan, 1: 167-172.

Tsuneki K., 1966 - Notes on some Chrysididae and Sphecidae in the collection of the Osaka Museum of Natural History, with descriptions of three new species (Hymenoptera). Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History, 19: 19-28.

Tsuneki K., 1969 (a) - Chrysidoidea and Sphecoidea in the collection of the Osaka Museum of Natural History. Life Study (Fukui), 13: 23-28.

Tsuneki K., 1969 (b) - Sphecidae and Chrysididae collected by Prof. T. Shirôzu in Kyushu (II). Life Study (Fukui), 13: 28.

Tsuneki K., 1970 (a) - Bemerkungen und Beschreibungen uber den Japanischen Heteronychinen. Life Study (Fukui), 14 (2): 27-34.

Tsuneki K., 1970 (b) - A Guide to the Study of the Japanese Hymenoptera (24). (11) Chrysididae, I. Life Study (Fukui), 14 (2): 45-50.

Tsuneki K., 1970 (c) - Ein beitrag zur goldwespen-fauna Formosas. Etizenia, 49: 1-21.

Tsuneki K., 1970 (d) - A List of Papers and Writings by K.Tsuneki (II). Etizenia, 50: 1-7

Tsuneki K., 1972 - Is Hedychrum okai Tsuneki parasitic on the nests of Cerceris hortivaga Kohl?. Life Study, 14 (3/4): 53.

Tsuneki K., 1973 - Nests of some Pemphredonine Wasps in the Pith of Miscanthus (Hym., Sphecidae). Life Study, 17 (3/4): 63-73.

Tsuneki K., 1975 - New cuckoowasps found in Japan. Kuntyu, 43 (1): 29-35.

Tsuneki K., 1977 - Description of new species and subspecies of Chrysididae from Japan. Akitu, (new series) 9: 1-4.

Tsuneki K., 1979 - Sphecidae and Chrysididae collected by Dr. K. Baba in northern part of Japan proper and Hokkaido, with description of two new species. Ins. Niigata Prefecture pp. 9-14. K. Baba, Niigata.

Tsuneki K., 1982 (a) - Two new species of Cleptes fron Tailand and Formosa. Special Publications of the Japan Hymenopterists Associations, n° 23: 1-2.

Tsuneki K., 1982 (b) - Studies on the new material of Sphecidae, Chrysididae and Mutillidae from Formosa and the Southern Ryukyus (Hymenoptera). Special Publications of the Japan Hymenopterists Association, 23:15-45.

Tsuneki K., 1982 (c) - A referenced list of the species of Sphecidae, Chrysididae, Scoliidae and Mutillidae hitherto known from the Ryukyu Archipelago, with the distribution table. Special Publications of the Japan Hymenopterists Association, 23: 53-77.

Tsuneki K., 1984 - Solitary wasps newly collected in the Ogasawaras or the Bonin Islands (Hymenoptera). Special Publications of the Japan Hymenopterists Association, 28: 1-11.

Tsuneki K., 1986 - New species and subspecies of the aculeate Hymenoptera from east Asia, with some synonyms, specific remarks and distributional data. Special Publications of the Japan Hymenopterists Association, 32: 1-60.

Tsuneki K. & Shimoyama K., 1963 - Sphecidae and Chrysididae collected in the District of Towada, Japan. Life Study (Fukui) 7:48-50.

Tsuneki K., Iida T., Hirai H. & Sabi K., 1964 - Addition to the list of Sphecidae and Chrysididae of Towada, Aomori Prefecture. Life Study (Fukui), 8: 60.

Tullgren A., 1904 - On some Hymenoptera Aculeata from the Cameroons. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der insektfauna von Kamerun N° 24,. Arkiv För Zoologi, 1: 426-467.

Tumss V., 1976 - Materiali Latvias PSR dzelejplevsparnu (Hym., Acul.) faunai. Zool. muzeja raksti. Latv. univ., 14 (13): 11-26.

Tumðs V. & Masðakovs V., 1970 - Zinas par Latvijas krâðnlapsençm (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Zoologijas muzeja raksti (invertebrata), 4:89-96.

Tussac H., 1992 - Hymenopteres peu communs obtenus par piegeage. Entomologiste-(Paris), 48(2): 105-106.

Tussac H., 1994 - Holopyga gogorzea (Trautman, 1926) nouvelle espece pour la France (Hymenoptera, Chrysidinae). Entomologiste-(Paris), 50(4): 261-262.

Tussac H. & Tussac M., 1993 - Description d'une nouvelle espece, Philoctetes delvarei. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 98 (5): 473-75

Tussac H. & Zumeta J.B., 1999 (1999-2004) - "Especies de Chrysididae y Bethylidae (Hymenoptera:Chrysidoidea) colectadas en un sabinar de ""Juniperus thurifera"" L. en Los Monegros (Zaragoza, España), con otras citas de interés para el Mediterráneo occidental". Lucas Mallada: revista de ciencias, ISSN 0214-8315, Nº. 11, 1999﷓2004 , pags. 197-212

Tyrner P., 1974 - K výskytu zlatěnek (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) na Mostecku. [Zum Vorkommen der Goldwespen (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) in der Umgebung von Most]. Sbor. Okres. muzea v Mostě, Řada přír., 1: 7-13.

Tyrner P., 1980 - K taxonomii a faunistice zlatěnek (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) Československa. [Zur Taxonomie und Faunistik der Goldwespen (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) der Tschechoslowakei]. Sbor. Okres. muzea v Mostě, Řada přír., 2: 23-31.

Tyrner P., 1981 - Chrysididae a Sphecidae zaniklé lokality Vršany v Mostecké kotlině. [Chrysididae und Sphecidae der verschollenen Lokalität Vršany im Becken von Most]. Sbor. Okres. muzea v Mostě, Řada přír., 3: 39-46.

Tyrner P., 1991 - Faunistic records from the Czechoslovakia. Hymenoptera: Apidae, Chrysididae. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca, 88: 38-40.

Tyrner P., 2001 - Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 134. Hymenoptera: Chrysididae, Sphecidae, Apidae. Klapalekiana, 37 (1-2): 129-130.

Tyrner P., 2007 - Chrysidoidea: Chrysididae (zlatěnkovití). in: Straka J., Bogusch P. & Kment P. (eds.), Annotated check-list of the Aculeata (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) of the Czech Republic and Slovakia [Komentovaný seznam žahadlových blanokøídlých (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) Èeské republiky a Slovenska]. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, Suppl. 11, pp. 41-63, ISSN 0231-8571.

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All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2024) Bibliography of Chrysididae, in: website. Interim version 26 October 2024, URL: