Bibliografia dei Chrysididae – Risultati della ricerca

Ultimo aggiornamento 08 Giugno 2020

42 record(s):

Eadly R.D., 1968 - Some illustrations of the microscolpture in Hymenoptera. Proceedings of the Royal entomological Society of London, 43: 66-71. 31 figg.

Eberhard M.J.W., 1987 - Observations of Xenorhynchium nitidulum (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera, Eumeninae) a primitively social wasp. Psyche, 94: 317-324.

Ebmer A.W., 1994 - Hymenopterologische Notizen aus österreich - 1 (Insecta: Hymenoptera aculeata). Linzer Biologische Beitrage, 26:393-405.

Edney E.B., 1940 - The Heteronychinae (Family Chrysididae) of South Africa. Occasional Papers of the National Museum of Suothern Rhodesia, 9: 26-126.

Edney E.B., 1947 - The Holonychinae(Family Chrysididae) of South Africa. Part I: The tribes Pseudochrysidini Bishoff, Parnopini Aaron, Allocoeliini Mocsary. Occasional Papers of the National Museum of Suothern Rhodesia, 13: 168-205.

Edney E.B., 1952 - The Holonychinae (Family Chrysididae) of South Africa.Part II: Chrysidea Bishoff, Gonochrysis Licht. and Holochrysis Licht. Occasional Papers of the National Museum of Suothern Rhodesia, 17: 403-452.

Edney E.B., 1953 - The Holonychinae (Family Chrysididae) of South Africa. Part III: Tetrachrysis Licht. Occasional Papers of the National Museum of Suothern Rhodesia, 18: 532-539.

Edney E.B., 1954 (a) - The Holonychinae (Family Chrysididae) of South Africa. Part IV: Tetrachrysis Licht. Occasional Papers of the National Museum of Suothern Rhodesia, 19: 543-623.

Edney E.B., 1954 (b) - The Holonychinae (Family Chrysididae) of South Africa. Part V: Pentachrysis Licht. and Hexachrysis Licht. Occasional Papers of the National Museum of Suothern Rhodesia, 19: 624-673.

Edney E.B., 1956 - Hymenoptera Crysididae. South African Animal Life 3:415-419. Hanstrom, Brinck, and Rudebeck:

Edney E.B., 1962 - New species and records of Chrysididae from Southern Africa. Occasional Papers of the National Museum of Suothern Rhodesia, 26: 856-870.

Edwards M., 1979 - Further aculeate Hymenoptera from Sussex. AES Bull. 38: 69-74.

Edwards M., 1993 - Chrysis gracillima Förster and Nitela spinolae Latreille (Hym., Sphecidae) in West Sussex. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 129: 198.

Èingovski J., 1960 - Прилог кон познавањето на акулеатната фауна (Aculeata Hym.) на Македонија [Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Aculeatenfauna (Aculeata Hym.) Mazedoniens] [Contribution to the knowledge of the Aculeate fauna (Aculeata Hym.) of Macedonian]. Izdanija na Prirodonauchniot Muzej (= Acta Musei Macedonici Scientiarum Naturalium), 7: 1-18. [in Macedonian]

Elliot N., Kurczewski F., Claflin S. & Salbert P., 1979 - Preliminary annotated list of the wasps of San Salvador Island, The Bahamas, with a new species of Cerceris. "Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 81 (3); 352-365."

Else G.R., 1973 - Recent records and notes of Omalus puncticollis (Mocsary) and other local chrydidid wasps (Hym.) in Hampshire. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 109: 120-22.

Else G.R., 1989 - Gregarious behaviour of Elampus panzeri (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). British Journal of Entomology and Natural History, 2: 160.

Else G.R., 1993 - Recent records of Chrysis gracillima Förster (Hym., Chrysididae) and Nitela spinolae Latreille (Hym., Sphecidae) in southern England. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 129: 198.

Emery C., Gribodo G. & Kriechbaumer G., 1894 - Rassegna degl'Imenotteri raccolti nel Mozambico dal Cav. Fornasini, esistenti nel Museo Zoologico della R. Università di Bologna. Tipografia Barberini e Parmeggiani, Bologna.

Engel H., 1938 - Beitrage zur Flora und Fauna der Binnedune bei Bellnchen (Oder). Mark. Tierw., Berlin, 3: 229-294, 15 figg.

Engel M.S., 2007 (2006) - A new cuckoo wasp of the genus Ceratochrysis in amber from the Dominican Republic (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne, vol 75: 499-504

Enslin E., 1919 - Aus dem Leben der Goldwespen. "Entomologische Zeitschrift, 32: 97-98, 101-102; 33: 3-4, 6."

Enslin E., 1921 - Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Hymenopteren. II. Biologie von Symmorphus sinuatus F. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 279-285.

Enslin E., 1922 (a) - Lionotus delphinalis Gir., eine für Deutschland neue Faltenwespe und ihre Biologie. Konowia, I: 241-252.

Enslin E., 1922 (b) - Zur Biologie des Solenius rubicola Perr. (larvatus Wesm.) und seiner Parasiten. Konowia, Band 1 (1921) heft ½.

Enslin E., 1923 - Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Hymenopteren. III. Über Parasiten des Hoplopus laevipes Shuck. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 180-187.

Enslin E., 1929 - Beiträge zur Metamorphose der Goldwespen. Konowia, XIV: 1-7.

Enslin E., 1939 - Neue Beiträge zur Goldwespen-Fauna von Cypern. Entomologische Zeitschrift, LIII.

Enslin E., 1950 - On the Chrysididae of Cyprus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (12) 3: 656-671.

Erlandsson S., 1971 - Catalogus Insectorum Sueciae. XIX. Hymenoptera : Aculeata (Cleptidae, Mutillidae, Myrmosidae, Thynnidae, Scoliidae, Tiphiidae, Sapygidae, Vespidae, Eumenidae). Entomologisk Tidskrift. Årg. 92, Hefte 1-2 : 87-94.

Erlandsson S., 1972 - Hymenoptera aculeata from the European parts of the Mediterranean Countries. Eos, 48: 11-23.

Erlandsson S., 1978 (1977) - Notes of Aculeate Hymenoptera from the Macaronesian Islands. Vieraea, 7, n°2: 201-206

Essig E.O., 1926 - Insects of Western North America. Macmillan Co., New York. 1035 pp.

Evans H.E., 1966 - The comparative ethology and evolution of the sand wasps. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., xvi+ 526 pp.

Evans H.E., 1969 - Three new Cretaceus Aculeate wasps. Psyche, 75: 251-261.

Evans H.E., 1970 - Ecological-Behavioral studies of the Wasps Jackson Hole, Wyomng. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, vol. 140, n°7: 451-511.

Evans H.E., 1973 - Further studies on the wasps of Jackson Hole, Wyoming (Hymenotera, Aculeata). Great Basin Naturalist, 33: 147-155.

Evans H.E., 1973 - Cretaceous aculeate wasps from Taimyr, Siberia. Psyche, 80: 166-178.

Evans H.E., 1977 - Observations on the nest and prey of Eumenid Wasps (Hymenoptera, Eumenidae). Psyche: 84: 255-259

Evans H.E. & Gillaspy J.E., 1964 - Observations on the Ethology of Digger Wasps of Genus Steniola (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Bembicini). The American Midland Naturalist, 72 (2): 257-280.

Evans H.E. &West Eberhard M.J., 1970 - The wasps. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. 265 pp.

Eversmann E., 1857 - Fauna Hymenopterologica Volgo-Uralensis. Bulletin de la Sociétè Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 30: 544-567.

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Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2024) Bibliografia dei Chrysididae – Risultati della ricerca, in: website. Interim version 27 July 2024, URL: