Ultimo aggiornamento 08 Giugno 2020
85 record(s):
Radoszkovsky O., 1872 - Hyménoptères de l'Asie. Description et énumération de quelques espèces recues de Samarkand, Astradab, Himalaya et Ning-Po, en Cine. 15 pp. |
Radoszkowski O., 1866 - Enumération des espècies de Chrysides de Russie. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, III: 295-310. |
Radoszkowski O., 1876 (a) - Compte-rendu des Hyménoptères recueillis en Egypte et Abyssinie en 1873. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 12: 11-50. |
Radoszkowski O., 1876 (b) - Matériaux pour servir à une faune hyménoptérologique de la Russie. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 12: 106-110. |
Radoszkowski O., 1877 - Chrysididiformis, Mutillidae a Sphecidae. Reise in Turkestan. Zool. Theil, Mosca, 2: i-ii 1-27. |
Radoszkowski O., 1880 - Les Chrysides et Sphégides du Caucase. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 15: 140-156. |
Radoszkowski O., 1881 - Sitzung am 5 (17) Februar. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 16: iii-xxii. |
Radoszkowski O., 1881 - Hyménoptères d'Angola. J. Acad. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat. Lisboa, 8: 197-221. |
Radoszkowski O., 1887 (1886) - Insecta in itinere Cl. N. Przelwalskii in Asia Centrali novissime lecta. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 21: 41-52. |
Radoszkowski O., 1888 - Révision des armatures copulatrices des males de la tribù des Chrysididae. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 23: 3-40. |
Radoszkowski O., 1890 - Hyménoptères recoltés sur le Mont Ararat. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 24: 502-10. |
Radoszkowski O., 1891 - Descriptions de Chrysides nouvelles. Revue d'Entomologie, 10: 183-198. |
Radoszkowski O., 1893 - Faune hyménoptèrologique Transcaspienne. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 24: 502-510. |
Radoszkowski O., 1893 - Descriptions d'Hyménoptères nouveaux. Revue d'Entomologie, 12: 241-255. |
Raekunnas M., 1977 - Hedychrum intermedium (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) loeydetty Suomesta. N/A |
Rafinesque C.S., 1818 - Discoveries in natural history, made during a journey through the western region of the United States. Amer. Mon. Mag. and Crit. Review., 3: 345-356. |
Raingeard J., 1998 - Les chrysides de la collection F. Chibaudel (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Bulletin de l'Entomologie Tourangelle, 19(1-2): 14-21. |
Raquel Castro L., Ruberu K. & Dowton M., 2006 - Mithochondrial genomes of Vanhornia eucnemidarum (Apocrita: Vanhorniidae) and Primeuchroues spp. (Aculeata: Chrysididiae): evidence of rearranged mitochondrial genomes within Apocrita (Insecta: Hymenoptera). Genome, 49: 752-766. |
Rasmont P. & Pauly A., 1983 - Un rassemblement d'Hyménoptères Aculéates solitaires (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae, Sphecidae, Apoidea). Bulletin et Annales de la Société Royale Belge, 119: 59-61. |
Rasnitsyn A.P., 1980 - The origin and evolution of Hymenoptera. Trudy Paleontol. Ins., 174: 1-190. [in Russian] |
Rassoul A., 1976 - Checklist of Iraq Natural History Museum insects collection. University of Baghdad, Natural History Research Center, Publication No. 30:1-41. |
Rau P., 1931 - Notes on the homing of several species of wasps (Hym.: Chrysididae, Sphegoidea, Vespoidea). Entomological News, 42: 199-200. |
Rau P., 1933 - The Jungle Bees and Wasps of Barro Colorado Islands (With Notes on Other Insects). Kirkwoo, St. Luis Co., Mo. U.S.A. |
Readshaw J., 1964 - A theory of phasmatid outbreak release. Australian Journal of Zoology, 13: 475-490. |
Reder R., 2005 - Erganzungen zur Hymenopterenfauna von Rheinland-Pfalz: Erste Nachweise von Mischophus eatoni S., Mimumesa beaumonti (V.LITH) (Sphecidae) und Chrysis sexdentata CHR. (Chrysididae) (Hymenoptera: Aculeata et Chalcidoidea). Fauna Flora Rheinland-Pfalz 10: Heft 3, 2005, S.927-969. |
Reder R., 2006 - "Erstnachweis von Hedychridium monochroum DU BUYS. Und Bestandssituation von Hedychridium elegantulum DU BUYS. in Rheinland-Pfalz (Goldwespen; Hymenoptera: Chrysididae)". Fauna Flora Rheinland-Pfalz 10: Heft 4, 2006, S.1387-1391. |
Reshikov A.V., 2002 - "Осы (Hymenoptera: Aculeata: Vespidae, Mutillidae, Pompilidae, Sphecidae, Chrysididae, Cleptidae) национального парка «Себежский». [Wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata: Vespidae, Mutillidae, Pompilidae, Sphecidae, Chrysididae, Cleptidae) of the National Park ""Sebezhsky""]". Охрана окружающей среды, природопользование, образование. Великие Луки: Дом экологического просвящения: (Proceedings of the Pskov Oblast Environmental Conference), Vol. 7, pp. 116-122. [in Russian] |
Ressl F., 1966 - Die Goldwespenfauna des sudwestlichen Niederosterreich (Bezirk Scheibbs). Entomologische Nachrichten, 13: 85-90. |
Ressl F., 1973 - Nachtrag zur Goldwespenfauna des sudwestlichen Niederosterreich (Bezirk Scheibbs). Z. ArbGem. Osterr. Ent., 25 (1/2): 63-65. |
Retzius A.I., 1783 - Genera et Species insectorum ect. Sigfried Lebrecht. Lipsiae.(ed.C. Regeer). |
Richards O.W., 1935 - Notes on the nomenclature of the aculeate Hymenoptera, with special reference to British Genera and Species. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society, 83: 143-176. |
Richards O.W., 1950 - Hymenoptera Aculeata in Pembrokeshire. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 86:79-81. |
Richards O.W., 1952 - Hymenoptera Aculeata collected in Anglesee. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 88: |
Richards O.W., 1956 - An interpretation of the ventral region of the hymenopterous thorax. Prococeedings of the Royal Entomological Society, 31: 99-104. |
Richards O.W., 1964 - The entomological fauna of Southern England with special reference to the country round London. Transactions of the Society for British Entomology, 16: 1-48. |
Richards O.W., 1977 - Hymenoptera - introduction and key to Families (Second edition). Handbookfor the identification of British insects. Vol.4, Part 1. |
Riek E.F., 1955 - Australian Cleptid egg (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) parasite of Cresmododea (Phasmidae). Australian Journal of Zoology, 3: 118-130. |
Riek E.F., 1970 - The Insects of Australia. Melburn University Press. pp.867-959. |
Riemann H., 1983 - Zur Vorkommen der Grabwespen (Hym., Sphecidae) in den Binnendünengebieten zwischen Bremen-Mahndorf und Daverden (Kr. Verden). Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlchen Vereins zu Bremen, 40: 71-96. |
Riemann H., 1985 - Beitrag zur Chrysididen- und Aculeatenfauna des westlichen Norddeutschland (Hymenoptera). Drosera, 1985:17-28. |
Riemann H., 1988 - Beitrag zur Stechimmenfauna niedersächsiher Sandgruben (Hymenoptera: Aculeata). Braunschw. naturk. Sch., Band 3, Heft 1: 213-242. |
Riemann H., 1995 - Zur Stechimmenfauna des Bremer Buergerparks (Hymenoptera: Aculeata). [On the fauna of bees, wasps and ants of the Buergerpark in Bremen (Hymenoptera: Aculeata)]. Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlchen Vereins zu Bremen, 43 (1): 45-72. |
Riemann H., 1997 - Die Stechimmenfauna der Weserdeiche bei Achim (Hym., Aculeata). Drosera, 1997: 45-64. |
Riemann H., 1999 - Weitere Nachweise und Betrachtungen zur Aculeatenfauna niedersächsischer Sandgruben (Hymenoptera: Aculeata). Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlchen Vereins zu Bremen, 44: 825-846. |
Riggio G. & De Stefani-Perez T., 1888 - Sopra alcuni imenotteri dell'isola di Ustica. Il Naturalista Siciliano VII: 145-150. |
Robert J.C., 1967 - Etude des Hyménoptères Aculéates d'une pelouse simili-xérothermique. Eléments de biocénothique. Ann. Scient. Univ. Besançon, Zool. 3: 61-68. |
Roberti D., Frilli F. & Pizzaghi W., 1965 - Contributo alla conoscenza della entomofauna del Piacentino. (Specie raccolte nel decennio 1955-1964). Entomologica. Bari, 1:1-118. |
Robertson I.A.D., 1969 - A list of Hymenoptera (Symphyta and Aculeata) collected in Tanzania. Journal of the Entomological Socety of South Africa. 32: 479-484. |
Rohwer S.A., 1909 - Some new chrysidid wasps from western United States. Psyche, 16: 87-92. |
Rohwer S.A., 1911 - On some hymenopterous insects from the islands of Formosa. Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum, 39: 477-489. |
Rohwer S.A., 1912 - Results of the Yale Peruvian expedition of 1911. Hymenoptera, Superfamilies Vespoidea and Sphecoidea. Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum, 44: 443-445. |
Rohwer S.A., 1921 - Some Philippine wasps of the family Chrysididae. Philippine Journal of Science, 18: 691-692. |
Rohwer S.A., 1921 - Description of a cuckoowasps from the Hawian Islands. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entmological Society, 5: 67-69. |
Roller H., 1936 - Faunistisch-okologische Studien an den Losswanden der Sudosthange des Bisamberges. Z. Morph. Okol. Tiere, 31: 294-327. |
Roman A., 1920 - Wissenschaftliche ergebnisse der schwedischen entomologischen reise des herrn dr. A. Roman in Amazonas 1914-1915. 3. Hymenoptera. 2. Chrysididae & Chalcididae (pars). Arkiv för Zoologi, Uppsala 12:19. Mit 7 Abbildungen Im Texte. 30 pp. |
Ronquist F., 1999 - Phylogeny of the Hymenoptera (Insecta): the State of the Art. Zoologica Scripta, 28 (1-2): 3-11. |
Ronquist F., Rasnitsyn A.P., Roy A., Eriksson K. & Lindgren M., 1999 - Phylogeny of the Hymenoptera: A cladistic reanalysis of Rasnitsyn's (1988) data. Zoologica Scripta, 28, 1-2, 1999, pp. 13-50 |
Rosa P., 2002 (a) - Imenotteri Crisidi. In: AA.VV., Atlante della Biodiversità nel Parco del Ticino. Edizione 2002. Vol. I. Elenchi sistematici. Consorzio Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino, pp. 365-374. |
Rosa P., 2002 (b) - Imenotteri Crisidi. In: AA.VV., Atlante della Biodiversità nel Parco del Ticino. Edizione 2002. Vol. II. Monografie. Consorzio Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino, pp. 91-131. |
Rosa P., 2002 (c) - I Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) della Valle d'Aosta. Check-list e note introduttive. Revue Valdôtaine d'Histoire Naturelle,Aosta. 56: 63-70. |
Rosa P., 2003 (a) - Nuovi reperti di Crisidi per l'Italia, con note tassonomiche. (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Giornale Italiano di Entomologia, Cremona. Vol. 10, n° 51: 301-313. |
Rosa P., 2003 (b) - Cleptes (Leiocleptes) mareki n.sp., from China. (Hymenoptera Chrysididae Cleptinae). Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milano, 144 (II): 407-414. |
Rosa P., 2004 (a) - Alcune osservazioni sulle relazioni tra Vegetazione e Crisidi in Italia (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Giornale Italiano di Entomologia, Cremona. Vol. 11, n° 52: 79-90. |
Rosa P., 2004 (b) - Chrysis schmideggeri n.sp., a new cuckoo-wasp of the Chrysis rubricata-group (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano, 145 (II): 307-319. |
Rosa P., 2005 (a) - I Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) della Romagna. Stato attuale delle conoscenze. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara, Ferrara, 6 (2003): 29-40. |
Rosa P., 2005 (b) - I Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano. Natura, Milano, vol. 94 (II): 128 pp. |
Rosa P., 2006 - I Crisidi della Valle d'Aosta. Monografie del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Saint-Pierre. 368 pp. |
Rosa P., 2006 (2004) - Gli Imenotteri Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) della Collezione Campadelli (Catalogo sistematico della Collezione Campadelli. III contributo). Ann. Mus. civ. St.nat. Ferrara, 7 (2004): 87-96 |
Rosa P., 2009 - Catalogo dei Tipi dei crisidi del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "G. Doria" di Genova (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "G. Doria", Genova, Vol. C: 209-272. |
Rosenheim J.A., 1987 - Nesting Behavior and Bionomics of a Solitary Ground-Nesting Wasp, Ammophila dysmica (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae): Influence of Parasite Pressure. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 80: 739-749. |
Rosenheim J.A., 1987 - Host location and exploitation by the cleptoparasitic wasp Argochrysis armilla: the role of learning. (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 21: 401-6. |
Rosenheim J.A., 1989 - Behaviorally mediated spatial and temporal refuges from a cleptoparasite, Argochrysis armilla (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae), attacking a ground-nesting wasp, Ammophila dismica (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 25: 335-348. |
Rosenheim J.A., 1990 (a) - Density-Dependent Parasitism and the Evolution of Aggregated Nesting in the Solitary Hymenoptera. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 83: 277-286. |
Rosenheim J.A., 1990 (b) - Aerial prey catching by solitary ground-nesting wasps: a test of the predator defense hypothesis. Journal of Insect Behavior 3:241-250. |
Rosenheim J.A., 1993 - Single-sex broods and the evolution of nonsiblicidal parasitoid wasps. Am. Nat., vol. 141, no. 1, pp. 90-104 |
Rosenheim J.A. & Grace J.K., 1987 - Biology of a wood-nesting wasp, Mimumesa mixta (W. Fox) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), and its parasite, Elampus viridicyaneus Norton (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 89: 351-355. |
Rosenheim J.A., Meade T., Powch I.G. & Schoenig S.E., 1989 - Aggregation by foraging insect parasitoids in response to local variations in host density: determining the dimensions of a host patch. Journal of Animal Ecology, 58: 101-117. |
Rossi P., 1790 - Fauna etruscae. Masi et Sociorum, Liburni. Vol.2: 74-77. |
Rossi P., 1792 - Mantissa insectorum exhibens species nuper in Etruria collectas a Petro Rossio adiectis faunae etruscae illustrationibus, ac emendationibus. Polloni, Pisa p.132-134. |
Rotheray G.E. & Lyszkowski R.M., 1994 - Omalus aeneus (F.) (Hym., Chrysididae) new to Scotland. The Entomologist's Montly Magazine, 130: 102. |
Ruhl D., 1977 - Rote Liste ausgewahlter Gruppen der Hautflugler (Hymenoptera), Blatt-, Halm- und Holzwespen (Symphita), Stechimmen und Goldwespen (Aculeata). 1. Fassung, Stand 15.3.1977. Blab, J., Novak, E. & Trautmann, W.: Roe Liste der gefahrdeten Tiere und Pflanzen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Graven (Kilda-Verlag) - Narturschutz aktuell 1: 22-30. |
Ruthe J.F. & Stein J.P.E.F., 1857 - Die Spheciden und Chrysiden der Umgegend Berlins. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung, 18: 311-316. |
Rybka J., 1949 - Some remarks upon Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) in Lower Silesia. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne, 18: 254-256. |
Rye E.C., 1876 - Hymenoptera. Zool. Record (1874) 11: 393-78. |
Rye E.C., 1878 - Hymenoptera. Zool. Record. (1876), 13: 123-139. |
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Per citazioni
Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2024) Bibliografia dei Chrysididae – Risultati della ricerca, in: Chrysis.net website. Interim version 13 October 2024, URL: https://www.chrysis.net/it/bibliografia-dei-chrysididae-risultati-della-ricerca/?let=R.