Trichrysis baratzsensis Strumia, 2009


Database of the Italian Chrysididae

Trichrysis baratzsensis Strumia, 2009

European distribution of Trichrysis baratzsensis
World distribution of Trichrysis baratzsensis Chorology of Trichrysis baratzsensis

Posizione sistematica di Trichrysis baratzsensis Strumia, 2009

Sottofamiglia & Tribù Chrysidinae (Chrysidini) Size (mm)
Size (mm):
Genere & specie Trichrysis baratzsensis Strumia, 2009
Gruppo di specie  
Combinazione originale Trichrysis baratzsensis
Serie tipica Holotypus ♀ (coll. Strumia)
Descrizione originale [From: Strumia F., 2009 - Trichrysis baratzsensis sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) from Sardinia. Zootaxa 2318: 589–595 (2009).]

Diagnosis. Distinctive features of the new species (Fig. 1) are the shape of the distal margin of TIII, the absence of the pronotal lateral carina, the carina around the compound eye, and the two isolated and not touching black spots on STII, that are, on the contrary, touching or fused together in all other studied species of the genus (see also the key at end of this paper).

Description. Body length 4.3 (paratype) to 5.9 mm (holotype and paratype). Colour. Body blue-green as in other species of the genus. Dark blue at base of central part of mesonotum, between ocelli and at base of TII; body pubescence short and white. Fore wings slightly brown-stainted. Antenna black in colour with pedicel and FI metallic green. Legs metallic green; first tarsomere of anterior leg metallic green as tegulae. Head. Elevated carina all around compound eye (Fig. 7). Facial cavity deep, finely, irregularly and transversally striate; malar space as long as FII. Mandible simple, without additional teeth. Thorax. Pronotum lacking lateral carina and with a weak groove in the middle of anterior edge. Punctures on mesonotum and scutellum large with smooth shining areas and smaller punctures in between. Radial cell of fore wings narrow, long and closed. Propodeal angle obtuse, pointing backward. Abdomen. Anterior declivity of TI with two grooves delimiting two anterior humps. Punctures on TII smaller than on thorax, becoming smaller distally. TIII saddled in shape, with smaller punctures than TII. Distal margin of TIII tridentate; spaces between teeth strongly convex, almost forming additional obtuse teeth (Figs 1, 5). Sternal black spots on SII small and isolated from one another: not touching as in other Mediterranean species.
Sinonimi e sottospecie  
Note sistematiche [from: Strumia, 2009] Only three species were previously recorded from the Mediterranean region: Trichrysis cyanea (Linnaeus, 1758), Trichrysis lacerta (Semenov-Tyan-Shanskii & Nikolskaya, 1954) and Trichrysis scioensis Gribodo, 1879. Trichrysis cyanea is widespread in the Palaearctic region,Trichrysis lacerta is known from Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, the Caucasus and Egypt, whereas Trichrysis scioensis Gribodo, 1879 is an Afrotropical species reaching also Egypt and Palestine (Lisenmaier 1999). Trichrysis cypria (Mocsáry, 1902) from Cyprus is a synonym of Trichrysis lacerta. Linsenmaier (1959: 170) found that the name Chrysis cypria Mocsáry, 1902 was preoccupied by Chrysis pyrrhina cypria Buysson, 1897 from Cyprus (Buysson 1897: 555, pl. 19, fig. 11), and renamed the species as C. devia. More recently, Linsenmaier (1968) discovered that the same species had been previously described by Semenov-Tyan-Shanskii and Nikolskaya (1954: 122) as C. lacerta (thus lacerta is the valid name, devia and cypria are synonyms: Linsenmaier 1999: 227).

Distribuzione mondiale di Trichrysis baratzsensis Strumia, 2009

Distribuzione mondiale
Località tipica Lake Baratz (Sassari province, Sardinia, Italy); 40° 40', 61 N -- 8°16', 64 E; 30 m; 15-30.VIII.2002
Kimsey & Bohart  
Altri Autori  
Corologia Sardinian
Note sulla distribuzione  

Distribuzione europea di Trichrysis baratzsensis Strumia, 2009

Paese Record
Italy Sardinia
Note sulla distribuzione

Distribuzione italiana di Trichrysis baratzsensis Strumia, 2009 secondo la checklist delle specie della Fauna italiana

Macroregione Nord (N): Sud (S): Sicilia (Si): Sardegna (Sa):
Italian distribution of Trichrysis baratzsensis
Distribuzione italiana

Distribuzione italiana per regione amministrativa (Record bibliografici, evidenze personali e altre fonti)

Regione amministrativa Record bibliografici Record FEI Record personali
Valle d Aosta
Trentino Alto Adige
Friuli V.G.
Emilia Romagna
Sardegna Strumia, 2009
Note di distribuzione Trichrysis cyanea and Trichrysis baratzsensis coexist in Sardinia.

Dati da GBIF su Trichrysis baratzsensis

Dati provenienti da GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 0 occorrenze.

Biologia di Trichrysis baratzsensis Strumia, 2009

Ospiti conosciuti

Note sugli ospiti

Habitat conosciuto

Habitat Strumia (2009) reports that Trichrysis baratzsensis was collected exclusively with a Malaise trap placed near the sandy shore of the Lake Baratz, the only natural lake in Sardinia.
Piante per posa/rifugio  
Parassiti noti  
Note biologiche Strumia (2009) reports that the abundance of Trichrysis baratzsensis vs. Trichrysis cyanea during the survey in the years 2001–2005 was of 3 vs. 47 specimens, respectively.

Posizione sistematica di Trichrysis baratzsensis Strumia, 2009

Sottofamiglia & Tribù Chrysidinae (Chrysidini) Size (mm)
Size (mm):
Genere & specie Trichrysis baratzsensis Strumia, 2009
Gruppo di specie  
Combinazione originale Trichrysis baratzsensis
Serie tipica Holotypus ♀ (coll. Strumia)
Descrizione originale [From: Strumia F., 2009 - Trichrysis baratzsensis sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) from Sardinia. Zootaxa 2318: 589–595 (2009).]

Diagnosis. Distinctive features of the new species (Fig. 1) are the shape of the distal margin of TIII, the absence of the pronotal lateral carina, the carina around the compound eye, and the two isolated and not touching black spots on STII, that are, on the contrary, touching or fused together in all other studied species of the genus (see also the key at end of this paper).

Description. Body length 4.3 (paratype) to 5.9 mm (holotype and paratype). Colour. Body blue-green as in other species of the genus. Dark blue at base of central part of mesonotum, between ocelli and at base of TII; body pubescence short and white. Fore wings slightly brown-stainted. Antenna black in colour with pedicel and FI metallic green. Legs metallic green; first tarsomere of anterior leg metallic green as tegulae. Head. Elevated carina all around compound eye (Fig. 7). Facial cavity deep, finely, irregularly and transversally striate; malar space as long as FII. Mandible simple, without additional teeth. Thorax. Pronotum lacking lateral carina and with a weak groove in the middle of anterior edge. Punctures on mesonotum and scutellum large with smooth shining areas and smaller punctures in between. Radial cell of fore wings narrow, long and closed. Propodeal angle obtuse, pointing backward. Abdomen. Anterior declivity of TI with two grooves delimiting two anterior humps. Punctures on TII smaller than on thorax, becoming smaller distally. TIII saddled in shape, with smaller punctures than TII. Distal margin of TIII tridentate; spaces between teeth strongly convex, almost forming additional obtuse teeth (Figs 1, 5). Sternal black spots on SII small and isolated from one another: not touching as in other Mediterranean species.
Sinonimi e sottospecie  
Note sistematiche [from: Strumia, 2009] Only three species were previously recorded from the Mediterranean region: Trichrysis cyanea (Linnaeus, 1758), Trichrysis lacerta (Semenov-Tyan-Shanskii & Nikolskaya, 1954) and Trichrysis scioensis Gribodo, 1879. Trichrysis cyanea is widespread in the Palaearctic region,Trichrysis lacerta is known from Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, the Caucasus and Egypt, whereas Trichrysis scioensis Gribodo, 1879 is an Afrotropical species reaching also Egypt and Palestine (Lisenmaier 1999). Trichrysis cypria (Mocsáry, 1902) from Cyprus is a synonym of Trichrysis lacerta. Linsenmaier (1959: 170) found that the name Chrysis cypria Mocsáry, 1902 was preoccupied by Chrysis pyrrhina cypria Buysson, 1897 from Cyprus (Buysson 1897: 555, pl. 19, fig. 11), and renamed the species as C. devia. More recently, Linsenmaier (1968) discovered that the same species had been previously described by Semenov-Tyan-Shanskii and Nikolskaya (1954: 122) as C. lacerta (thus lacerta is the valid name, devia and cypria are synonyms: Linsenmaier 1999: 227).

Distribuzione Geografica di Trichrysis baratzsensis Strumia, 2009

Distribuzione mondiale

Distribuzione mondiale
Località tipica Lake Baratz (Sassari province, Sardinia, Italy); 40° 40', 61 N -- 8°16', 64 E; 30 m; 15-30.VIII.2002
Kimsey & Bohart  
Altri Autori  
Corologia Sardinian
Note sulla distribuzione  

Distribuzione europea

Paese Records
Italy Sardinia
Note sulla distribuzione

Distribuzione italiana secondo la checklist delle specie della Fauna italiana

Macroregione Nord (N): Sud (S): Sicilia (Si): Sardegna (Sa):
Italian distribution of Trichrysis baratzsensis
Distribuzione italiana

Distribuzione italiana per regione amministrativa (Record bibliografici, evidenze personali e altre fonti)

Regione amministrativa Record bibliografici Record FEI Record personali
Valle d Aosta
Trentino Alto Adige
Friuli V.G.
Emilia Romagna
Sardegna Strumia, 2009

Data from GBIF

Dati provenienti da GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 0 occorrenze.

Biologia di Trichrysis baratzsensis Strumia, 2009

Ospiti conosciuti

Note sugli ospiti

Habitat conosciuto

Habitat Strumia (2009) reports that Trichrysis baratzsensis was collected exclusively with a Malaise trap placed near the sandy shore of the Lake Baratz, the only natural lake in Sardinia.
Piante per posa/rifugio  
Parassiti noti  
Note biologiche Strumia (2009) reports that the abundance of Trichrysis baratzsensis vs. Trichrysis cyanea during the survey in the years 2001–2005 was of 3 vs. 47 specimens, respectively.

Altre info su Trichrysis baratzsensis Strumia, 2009

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Tutti i contenuti di questa pagina sono copyright ©️ se non diversamente specificato - si prega di consultare i singoli casi per dettagli sulla paternità e sul copyright. Gli esemplari nelle foto provengono dalle collezioni personali degli autori o di altri collaboratori e dalle collezioni di vari musei. Salvo diversamente specificato, l'intero contenuto di questo sito Web è a scopo personale, non commerciale, scientifico ed educativo con giusto accredito alla pagina da cui è stato derivato, e conformemente ai Termini e condizioni di

Per citazioni

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2025) Trichrysis baratzsensis Strumia, 2009, in: Database dei Chrysididae europei. Interim version 21 January 2025, URL: