European distribution of Chrysidea asensioi Mingo, 1985
Database of the Italian Chrysididae: HELP
The species report is structured in the following sections.
Image(s) = picture of a typical adult specimen
(= habitus) and/or picture of a typical adult specimen in
Chorology = the map of the geographic distribution of the
Map of Italy = the distribution
map of Italy, subdivided in its administrative regions, colored on the base of
the presence/absence of the species according to personal and bibliographical
data (see also the Italian
distribution detail).
Icons = links to external sites to search for the given
species, among forums (, Forum Entomologi italiani, HymIS), other
textual resources (Google, Yandex) or images (Google Images, Flickr) and videos
Systematic position
Subfamily & Tribe = systematic categories. The Subfamily is
a systematic category inferior to the Family (Chrysididae), including a
group of Tribes and Genera. The latin termination is -inae and requires
the capital letter. Example: Chrysidinae. The Tribe is
a systematic category inferior to the Subfamily (Chrysidinae),
including a group of Genera. The latin termination is -ini and requires
the capital letter. Example: Chrysidini.
Genus & species = systematic categories.
The Genus is a systematic category inferior to the Tribe,
including a group of closely related species. It's the first name of the
binomial (Genus and species) or trinomial (Genus and species and subspecies)
nomenclature introduced by Carolus Linnaeus in 18th century. It requires the
capital letter. It doesn't have a latin termination, but it's a latinized name.
Example: Chrysis, Elampus, Stilbum. The species is
a population of organisms whose members share a same series of morphologic
characters and are able to reproduce in nature only among themselves and produce
fertile offspring. The concept of species was established by Ernst Mayr in 1940.
The species is the fundamental category of the whole taxonomical hierarchy and
indicates the limit of the organisms able to reproduce. It is always written
with the low case. The species name, Latin or latinized, should match with the
Genus name. The subspecies is a systematic category inferior to
the species, indicating a group of organisms geographically isolated from the
other populations of the species and showing sometimes morphologic differences,
but anyway able to reproduce with the other specimens of the species when the
subspecific populations come to contact. Author and year indicate
the Author who firstly described the species through a paper published in a
given year.
Species group = it's a sub-aggregate of a Genus, including a
limited assemblage of closely associated species. It's sometimes used instead of
the Subgenus level.
Original combination = it's the way the species or the
subspecies was originally described by its Author, who decided to refer it to a
Genus (or a higher class) not necessarily conserved according to actual
Type series = lists the typical specimens (holotypus, allotypus,
paratypes, etc.) and the placement of the typical specimens in public (Mus. =
Museum) or private (Coll.) collections.
Original description = it's the text of the original description
of the species/subspecies from the Author, according to the original
Synonyms and subspecies = one or more names which have been
given to the same species by other Authors in time; the earliest name takes
generally priority.
Systematic notes = observations and comments on the systematics
of the taxon.
Size (mm) = size of the adult, in millimeters.
Geographic distribution
World distribution
Type locality = the location indicated for the typical series in
the original description.
Kimsey & Bohart = the locations indicated in: Kimsey L.S. &
Bohart R., 1991 - The Chrysidid wasps of the World. Oxford Press, 652 pp.
Linsenmaier = the locations indicated by Linsenmaier (various
Other Authors = the locations indicated by other valued Authors.
Chorology = the known geographic distribution of the species,
described by a distribution pattern called chorological category. Examples:
W-Mediterranean distribution, Oriental distribution, etc. At present time a
chorologic classification of the Italian Chrysidids doesn't exist. Our suggestion is
based on the species listed by Rosa (2002, 2005, 2006).
Distribution notes = observations and comments on the world
Italian distribution according to the Checklist of the species of the
Italian Fauna
The Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana reports the presence of the
species in four italian macro-regions (North, South, Sicily
and Sardinia), as decided by the Italian Checklist Commission.
(1) Strumia F., 1995 - Hymenoptera Chrysididae. In: Minelli A, Ruffo
S., La Posta S (eds). Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana, 99. Calderini,
(2) Strumia F., 2001 - Hymenoptera Chrysididae. Aggiornamento alla
Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana. Boll. Soc. entomol. ital., 133 (I):
(3) Strumia F., 2005 - Hymenoptera Chrysididae. In: Ruffo S. &
Stoch F. (eds.), Checklist e distribuzione della fauna italiana. 10.000 specie
terrestri e della acque interne. Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di
Verona, II Serie. Sezione Scienze della Vita 16: 269-270 + CD-ROM.
Endemism = the term is used here to indicate that the species lives
only in Italy or in a specifica region/area of Italy.
Italian distribution by Administrative Region (Literature records, Personal
evidences and other sources)
Here you find the presence/absence of the species in
the different Administrative Regions of Italy (from North to South): Piemonte,
Valle d'Aosta, Lombardia, Trentino A.A., Veneto, Friuli V.G., Liguria, Emilia
Romagna, Toscana, Umbria, Marche, Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia,
Basilicata, Calabria, Sicilia, Sardegna, including the following smaller
Sicilia: Is. Eolie (Stromboli, Panarea,
Alicudi, Filicudi, Salina, Lipari, Vulcano), Is. Egadi (Marettimo,
Favignana, Levanzo), Ustica, Pantelleria, Lampedusa.
Sardegna: Arcip. La Maddalena, Tavolara,
Asinara, San Pietro, Sant'Antioco.
The columns for presence/absence report the data drawn from:
the Literature (Literature records)
the website Forum Entomologi Italiani (FEI records)
private collections (Personal records)
FEI and Personal records may contain unpublished data.
Distribution notes = observations and comments on the Italian
Known Hosts
Polyphagous = if the species is a parasite of more than one
systematic group (i.e. Sphecids + Vespids).
[Family] = the Family of insects parasitized by the species and
sharing the same environment. Data drawn from the literature show the
bibliographical references in brackets.
Notes on Hosts = unpublished notes about the hosts.
Known Habitat
Habitat = the environmental features known for the species, i.e.
known plants and microhabitats. Data drawn from the literature show the
bibliographical references in brackets.
Plants for rest/refuge = the flowers and plants used by the species
for rest and or for refuge. Data drawn from the literature show the bibliographical
references in brackets.
Parasites = the parasites of the species. Data drawn from the
literature show the bibliographical references in brackets.
Biological notes = observations and comments drawed from personal
field observations.
Systematic position of
Chrysidea asensioi
Mingo, 1985
Subfamily & Tribe
Chrysidinae (Chrysidini)
Size (mm):
Genus & species
Chrysidea asensioi Mingo, 1985
Species group
Original combination
Chrysis (Chrysidea) asensioi Mingo, 1985
Type series
Holotypus ♀ (Mus.: Madrid)
Original description
Longitud: 3-4 milímetros. Cabeza y tórax verdes con un ligero reflejo dorado; patas verdes, tarsos azules; alas hialinas; gaster negro, márgenes posteriores de los dos primeros terguitos y lados del segundo con brillo verde metálico; esternitos negros con reflejos verde-dorados, base del 2° con una estrecha franja negra transversal continua. Cabeza transversa, con punteado grueso y regular; relación ocelo-ocular, OOL:POL = 1:2; cavidad facial estrecha y profunda, transversalmente estriada; quilla frontal casi nula, aunque a veces puede aparentar estar presente por el acusado desnivel existente entre la frente y la cavidad facial; mejillas largas, iguales al 3° artejo antenal; mandíbulas unidentadas; clípeo convexo, con puntos finos y espaciados; quillas genales gruesas y largas. Tórax con el punteado grueso y espaciado, muy homogéneo, existiendo entre los puntos gruesos de fondo plano otros muy numerosos y finos, dando a la escultura torácica un aspecto muy diferente del de las demás especies de este subgénero. Pronoto con el surco central apenas indicado, apreciándose solamente una débil depresión; scutum el doble de largo que el pronoto; mesopleuras con los surcos poco profundos y anchos, área inferior lisa, brillante, rodeada de una corta quilla; escutelo plano, en el centro los puntos más espaciados que en el resto del tórax; ángulos póstico-laterales cortos, triangulares, de punta aguda; propodeo convexo, presentando una escotadura circular en el centro del borde anterior. Gaster con punteado denso y muy fino; l° terguito con los ángulos anteriores redondeados y una depresión longitudinal profunda en el centro; el 2°, doble de largo que el 1°; el 3° corto, delante de las fositas preapicales convexo, éstas a menudo confluentes, en la hembra algo más grandes; margen apical redondeado, liso, sin señales de dientes ni ángulos, más cortó en el macho que en la hembra (fig. 1); parte ventral con escultura muy fina.
Synonyms and subspecies
Systematic notes
World distribution of
Chrysidea asensioi
Mingo, 1985
World distribution
Type locality
Kimsey & Bohart
Palaearctic: Spain
Spain, S France
Other Authors
Distribution notes
European distribution of
Chrysidea asensioi
Mingo, 1985
France Mainland
Italy Mainland
Spain Mainland
Distribution notes
distribution of
Chrysidea asensioi
Mingo, 1985 according to the Checklist of the species of the Italian
North (N):
South (S):
Sicily (Si):
Sardinia (Sa):
Italian distribution
Italian distribution by Administrative Region (Literature records,
Personal evidences and other sources)
Adm. Region
Personal records
Aosta Valley
Trentino Alto Adige
Friuli V.G.
Emilia Romagna
Strumia, 2001;
Strumia, 2005;
Distribution notes
Data from GBIF on
Chrysidea asensioi
Data from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information
Facility). 0 occurrences.
Biology of
Chrysidea asensioi
Mingo, 1985
Known Hosts
Nitela borealis Valk. (Mingo, 1985)
Notes on Hosts
Known Habitat
Plants for rest/refuge
In Alianthus sticks with the sphecid Nitela borealis Valk. (Mingo, 1985)
Biological notes
Further pictures of
Chrysidea asensioi
Mingo, 1985 drawn from GBIF
Pictures taken from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 0 occurrences.
Systematic position of
Chrysidea asensioi
Mingo, 1985
Subfamily & Tribe
Chrysidinae (Chrysidini)
Size (mm):
Genus & species
Chrysidea asensioi Mingo, 1985
Species group
Original combination
Chrysis (Chrysidea) asensioi Mingo, 1985
Type series
Holotypus ♀ (Mus.: Madrid)
Original description
Longitud: 3-4 milímetros. Cabeza y tórax verdes con un ligero reflejo dorado; patas verdes, tarsos azules; alas hialinas; gaster negro, márgenes posteriores de los dos primeros terguitos y lados del segundo con brillo verde metálico; esternitos negros con reflejos verde-dorados, base del 2° con una estrecha franja negra transversal continua. Cabeza transversa, con punteado grueso y regular; relación ocelo-ocular, OOL:POL = 1:2; cavidad facial estrecha y profunda, transversalmente estriada; quilla frontal casi nula, aunque a veces puede aparentar estar presente por el acusado desnivel existente entre la frente y la cavidad facial; mejillas largas, iguales al 3° artejo antenal; mandíbulas unidentadas; clípeo convexo, con puntos finos y espaciados; quillas genales gruesas y largas. Tórax con el punteado grueso y espaciado, muy homogéneo, existiendo entre los puntos gruesos de fondo plano otros muy numerosos y finos, dando a la escultura torácica un aspecto muy diferente del de las demás especies de este subgénero. Pronoto con el surco central apenas indicado, apreciándose solamente una débil depresión; scutum el doble de largo que el pronoto; mesopleuras con los surcos poco profundos y anchos, área inferior lisa, brillante, rodeada de una corta quilla; escutelo plano, en el centro los puntos más espaciados que en el resto del tórax; ángulos póstico-laterales cortos, triangulares, de punta aguda; propodeo convexo, presentando una escotadura circular en el centro del borde anterior. Gaster con punteado denso y muy fino; l° terguito con los ángulos anteriores redondeados y una depresión longitudinal profunda en el centro; el 2°, doble de largo que el 1°; el 3° corto, delante de las fositas preapicales convexo, éstas a menudo confluentes, en la hembra algo más grandes; margen apical redondeado, liso, sin señales de dientes ni ángulos, más cortó en el macho que en la hembra (fig. 1); parte ventral con escultura muy fina.
Synonyms and subspecies
Systematic notes
Geographic distribution of
Chrysidea asensioi
Mingo, 1985
World distribution
World distribution
Type locality
Kimsey & Bohart
Palaearctic: Spain
Spain, S France
Other Authors
Distribution notes
European distribution
France Mainland
Italy Mainland
Spain Mainland
Distribution notes
Italian distribution according to the Checklist of the species of the
Italian Fauna
North (N):
South (S):
Sicily (Si):
Sardinia (Sa):
Italian distribution
Italian distribution by Administrative Region (Literature records, Personal evidences
and other sources)
Adm. Region
Literature records
FEI records
Aosta Valley
Trentino Alto Adige
Friuli V.G.
Emilia Romagna
Strumia, 2001;
Strumia, 2005;
Distribution notes
Data from GBIF
Data from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 0 occurrences.
Biology of
Chrysidea asensioi
Mingo, 1985
Known Hosts
Nitela borealis Valk. (Mingo, 1985)
Notes on Hosts
Known Habitat
Plants for rest/refuge
In Alianthus sticks with the sphecid Nitela borealis Valk. (Mingo, 1985)
Biological notes
Further pictures of
Chrysidea asensioi
Mingo, 1985 drawn from GBIF
Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2025) Chrysidea asensioi Mingo, 1985, in: Database of the European Chrysididae. Interim version 19 February 2025, URL: