Euchroeus purpuratus Fabricius, 1787


Database of the Italian Chrysididae

Euchroeus purpuratus Fabricius, 1787

European distribution of Euchroeus purpuratus
World distribution of Euchroeus purpuratus Chorology of Euchroeus purpuratus

Systematic position of Euchroeus purpuratus Fabricius, 1787

Subfamily & Tribe Chrysidinae (Chrysidini) Size (mm)
Size (mm):
Genus & species Euchroeus purpuratus Fabricius, 1787
Species group  
Original combination Chrysis purpurata Fabricius, 1787
Type series Neotypus des. by Pavesi & Strumia (1998) (Mus.: Turin)
Original description C. glabra aura nitida, abdomine fascia media anoque ferrato purpureis.
Habitat Halae Saxonum Dom. Hybner.
Media in hoc genere. Caput scabrum, aureum antennis fuscis. Thorax scaber, aureus nitidus lineolis tribus in medio obscure purpurascentibus. Abdomen aureum fascia media purpurea. Anus ferratus itidem purpureus, in medio cum fascia confluens. Pedes aurei
Synonyms and subspecies Chrysis purpurata F.
Systematic notes female neotype in the Spinola collection in the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Turin, Italy (PAVESI & Strumia, 1997)

World distribution of Euchroeus purpuratus Fabricius, 1787

World distribution
Type locality Germany
Kimsey & Bohart Palaearctic: Europe (Germany)
Linsenmaier CS Europe, Anatolia
Other Authors Europe
Chorology Centralasiatic-European-Mediterranean
Distribution notes  

European distribution of Euchroeus purpuratus Fabricius, 1787

Country Records
France Mainland
Italy Mainland
Italy Sicily
Portugal Mainland
Spain Mainland
Distribution notes

Italian distribution of Euchroeus purpuratus Fabricius, 1787 according to the Checklist of the species of the Italian Fauna

Macroregion North (N): South (S): Sicily (Si): Sardinia (Sa):
Italian distribution of Euchroeus purpuratus
Italian distribution

Italian distribution by Administrative Region (Literature records, Personal evidences and other sources)

Adm. Region Literature records Online records Personal records
Piedmont Ghiliani, 1874 (on Elis villosa F.); Gribodo, 1874; Gribodo, 1919; Invrea, 1931;
Aosta Valley
Lombardy Rosa, 2002a, b, 2005a;
Trentino Alto Adige
Friuli V.G.
Emilia Romagna Grandi, 1927; Zangheri, 1969; Rosa, 2005b; Strumia, 2005;
Tuscany Contarini, 1843;
Abruzzo Grandi, 1957;
Campania Costa, 1858; Guiglia, 1947;
Apulia Strumia, 2005;
Basilicata Guiglia, 1947;
Calabria Invrea, 1933; Rosa, 2005; Strumia, 2005;
Distribution notes

Data from GBIF on Euchroeus purpuratus

Data from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 30 occurrences.

Scientific name Country Locality State province Coordinates Month & Year Basis of record Dataset Recorded by Collection code Institution code Identified by
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Germany TK25 Blatt 2935/3 - Elbe / Schnackenburg 82023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION -1675061722 naturgucker naturgucker
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Hungary Budapest Ferihegy International Airport 62010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takuma Yoshida TUZ TU Villu Soon
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Kazakhstan Mangghystau 52008 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Pavel Gorbunov Observations iNaturalist Pavel Gorbunov
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Morocco 72002 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oliver Niehuis
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Neusiedl-Panzergraben 91988 OCCURRENCE Tiefenthaler Johann ZOBODAT LI Tiefenthaler Johann
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Ulm,Gemeinde: Ulm,Ort:Gögglingen,- 71955 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Ulm,Gemeinde: Ulm,Ort:Gögglingen,- 71955 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Guntramsdorf S Mödling 61953 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Guntramsdorf S Mödling 61953 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Guntramsdorf S Mödling 61953 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Ulm,Gemeinde: Ulm,Ort:Gögglingen,- 81953 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Donnerskirchen 61952 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK Niehuis O.
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Oberweiden (Marchfeld) 71952 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Oberweiden 81952 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK Niehuis O.
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Ukraine Brylivka Kherson oblast 51951 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera Nature Museum of Kharkiv National University Martynova K.V.
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Guntramsdorf S Mödling 71951 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Guntramsdorf S Mödling 71951 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Kazakhstan Yanvarcevo, right bank of Ural river 71949 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rudolf USNM curators
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Oberweiden (Marchfeld) 61931 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Wien 61931 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Hungary Cserszeg 71931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Hungary Cserszeg 71931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Hungary Budapest, Umgebung 61925 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Ukraine Kharkiv Kharkiv oblast 1874 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera Nature Museum of Kharkiv National University Martynova K.V.
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK
Chrysis purpuratus Fabricius, 1787 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN NMNH Extant Biology ENT USNM
Chrysis purpuratus Fabricius, 1787 Switzerland Contact the museum for more info PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Entomology MZLU

Biology of Euchroeus purpuratus Fabricius, 1787

Known Hosts

Sphecidae Psammophila hirsuta, Ammophila (Linsenmaier, 1968)
Notes on Hosts

Known Habitat

Plants for rest/refuge Elis villosa F. (Ghiliani, 1874)
Biological notes  

Further pictures of Euchroeus purpuratus Fabricius, 1787 drawn from GBIF

Pictures taken from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 0 occurrences.

Systematic position of Euchroeus purpuratus Fabricius, 1787

Subfamily & Tribe Chrysidinae (Chrysidini) Size (mm)
Size (mm):
Genus & species Euchroeus purpuratus Fabricius, 1787
Species group  
Original combination Chrysis purpurata Fabricius, 1787
Type series Neotypus des. by Pavesi & Strumia (1998) (Mus.: Turin)
Original description C. glabra aura nitida, abdomine fascia media anoque ferrato purpureis.
Habitat Halae Saxonum Dom. Hybner.
Media in hoc genere. Caput scabrum, aureum antennis fuscis. Thorax scaber, aureus nitidus lineolis tribus in medio obscure purpurascentibus. Abdomen aureum fascia media purpurea. Anus ferratus itidem purpureus, in medio cum fascia confluens. Pedes aurei
Synonyms and subspecies Chrysis purpurata F.
Systematic notes female neotype in the Spinola collection in the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Turin, Italy (PAVESI & Strumia, 1997)

Geographic distribution of Euchroeus purpuratus Fabricius, 1787

World distribution

World distribution
Type locality Germany
Kimsey & Bohart Palaearctic: Europe (Germany)
Linsenmaier CS Europe, Anatolia
Other Authors Europe
Chorology Centralasiatic-European-Mediterranean
Distribution notes  

European distribution

Country Records
France Mainland
Italy Mainland
Italy Sicily
Portugal Mainland
Spain Mainland
Distribution notes

Italian distribution according to the Checklist of the species of the Italian Fauna

Macroregion North (N): South (S): Sicily (Si): Sardinia (Sa):
Italian distribution of Euchroeus purpuratus
Italian distribution

Italian distribution by Administrative Region (Literature records, Personal evidences and other sources)

Adm. Region Literature records FEI records Personal records
Piedmont Ghiliani, 1874 (on Elis villosa F.); Gribodo, 1874; Gribodo, 1919; Invrea, 1931;
Aosta Valley
Lombardy Rosa, 2002a, b, 2005a;
Trentino Alto Adige
Friuli V.G.
Emilia Romagna Grandi, 1927; Zangheri, 1969; Rosa, 2005b; Strumia, 2005;
Tuscany Contarini, 1843;
Abruzzo Grandi, 1957;
Campania Costa, 1858; Guiglia, 1947;
Apulia Strumia, 2005;
Basilicata Guiglia, 1947;
Calabria Invrea, 1933; Rosa, 2005; Strumia, 2005;
Distribution notes

Data from GBIF

Data from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 30 occurrences.

Scientific name Country Locality State province Coordinates Month & Year Basis of record Dataset Recorded by Collection code Institution code Identified by
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Germany TK25 Blatt 2935/3 - Elbe / Schnackenburg 82023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION -1675061722 naturgucker naturgucker
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Hungary Budapest Ferihegy International Airport 62010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takuma Yoshida TUZ TU Villu Soon
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Kazakhstan Mangghystau 52008 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Pavel Gorbunov Observations iNaturalist Pavel Gorbunov
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Morocco 72002 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oliver Niehuis
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Neusiedl-Panzergraben 91988 OCCURRENCE Tiefenthaler Johann ZOBODAT LI Tiefenthaler Johann
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Ulm,Gemeinde: Ulm,Ort:Gögglingen,- 71955 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Ulm,Gemeinde: Ulm,Ort:Gögglingen,- 71955 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Guntramsdorf S Mödling 61953 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Guntramsdorf S Mödling 61953 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Guntramsdorf S Mödling 61953 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Ulm,Gemeinde: Ulm,Ort:Gögglingen,- 81953 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Donnerskirchen 61952 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK Niehuis O.
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Oberweiden (Marchfeld) 71952 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Oberweiden 81952 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK Niehuis O.
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Ukraine Brylivka Kherson oblast 51951 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera Nature Museum of Kharkiv National University Martynova K.V.
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Guntramsdorf S Mödling 71951 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Guntramsdorf S Mödling 71951 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Kazakhstan Yanvarcevo, right bank of Ural river 71949 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rudolf USNM curators
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Oberweiden (Marchfeld) 61931 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Austria Wien 61931 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Hungary Cserszeg 71931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Hungary Cserszeg 71931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Hungary Budapest, Umgebung 61925 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) Ukraine Kharkiv Kharkiv oblast 1874 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera Nature Museum of Kharkiv National University Martynova K.V.
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Euchroeus purpuratus (Fabricius, 1787) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK
Chrysis purpuratus Fabricius, 1787 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN NMNH Extant Biology ENT USNM
Chrysis purpuratus Fabricius, 1787 Switzerland Contact the museum for more info PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Entomology MZLU

Biology of Euchroeus purpuratus Fabricius, 1787

Known Hosts

Sphecidae Psammophila hirsuta, Ammophila (Linsenmaier, 1968)
Notes on Hosts

Known Habitat

Plants for rest/refuge Elis villosa F. (Ghiliani, 1874)
Biological notes  

Further pictures of Euchroeus purpuratus Fabricius, 1787 drawn from GBIF

No pictures in GBIF.

More info on Euchroeus purpuratus Fabricius, 1787

Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements

All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2025) Euchroeus purpuratus Fabricius, 1787, in: Database of the European Chrysididae. Interim version 19 February 2025, URL: